Tuesday, 2 March 2010


Why do we do it? pack for an emergency evacuation, take snacks that you can't possibly buy abroad, take endless games just in case you can't find anything to do at your destination, and then if that's not enough, tidy the house for the cats to enjoy whilst they have a peaceful time on their own while you nip away for a few days....I do this everytime, charging every battery in sight, making endless notes of things to do before we leave! But then at about this time, suitcases by the front door, batteries ready to fire up a rocket to space, and my clothes ready to just simply slip on in the early hours, I start to relax and think YEAH I'm on holiday tomorrow. Obviously the last thing to pack is a quick crafty bag, with bits of fabric, my ideas notebook, and a few tools, just in case an idea pops into my head. I'll look forward to telling you all about my adventure when I get back. If you need me just email me at debs@thescrapbookcompany.co.uk, cos my IT whizz of a husband has managed to divert this to his blackberry (keep it clean ladies - he'll be watching our every crafty and daft move!).
Keep creative until then, and hug those you love!
Here are the layouts we did on Saturday to hopefully give you some inspiration!

1 comment:

  1. These were great layouts to make at Srap Sat. The High Tea papers we used are divine ...


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